Showing 1 - 9 of 9 Results
Precarious Victory: Schroeder And The German Elections Of 2002 by Christian Soe, Gerald R. Kl... ISBN: 9781571818652 List Price: $25.00
Germany's New Politics Parties and Issues in the 1990s by Conradt, David, Soe, Christ... ISBN: 9781571810335 List Price: $15.00
Power Shift in Germany The 1998 Election and the End of the Kohl Era by Conradt, David P., Kleinfel... ISBN: 9781571812001 List Price: $25.00
Hitler's Spanish Legion: The Blue Division in Russia - Gerald R. Kleinfeld - Paperback by Kleinfeld, Gerald R., Tambs... ISBN: 9780976738084 List Price: $39.99
Power Shift in Germany The 1998 Election and the End of the Kohl Era by Conradt, David P., Kleinfel... ISBN: 9781571811998 List Price: $69.95
New Atlanticism Transatlantic Relations in Perspective by Friedrich, Wolfgang-Uwe, Kl... ISBN: 9781571813367 List Price: $25.00
New Atlanticism Transatlantic Relations in Perspective by Friedrich, Wolfgang-Uwe, Kl... ISBN: 9781571812735 List Price: $69.95
Germany's New Politics Parties and Issues in the 1990s by Conradt, David, Soe, Christ... ISBN: 9781571810328 List Price: $42.00
Hilter's Spanish Legion: The Blue Division in Russia by Kleinfeld, Gerald R., Tambs... ISBN: 9780809308651